High Altitude Mountaineering Toilet
Timeframe: 11wk
wk 1-3: problem finding, user research
wk 4-5: insight building + user studies + concept sketches + prototyping
wk 5-8: prototyping (up to medium fidelity mock up) + product testing
wk 9-10: prototype refinement
wk 11: high-end mockup + video production
Key skills:
#problem identification #proof of concept #user testing #design for manufacturing #CAPSTONE
Combining my passion for travel & expedition and desire to challenge myself … by responding to the power of sh*t on our mountains.
It's common sense to leave no trace behind on our mountains.
However, on Mt. Everest alone,
26,000 lbs of human waste accumulate each year.
We believe the world's most affluent and ambitious mountaineers must help fix the status quo.
However, current solutions are not sufficient.
Current solutions are:
1. Waste Alleviating Gel (WAG) bag
2. Clean mountain can (CMC)
WAG bag is not perfect:
1. Difficult to find the right position
2. Body shakes when squatting while holding the bag
3. Aim becomes very difficult
4. The bag has no dedicated space for storage
CMC is not perfect:
1. Cumbersome appearance, size, and weight
2. Single large-volume liner bag is not pleasant
3. Not widely available in outdoor retail
So, our journey began.
There was a missing market for a specialised high altitude mountaineering toilet that extends superior comfort.
Due to the harsh terrain and climate, the mountaineers would have to use the toilet either inside or near their tent.
It was critical to derive solid data through real case simulation. The biological urgency, tight space, and fatigue yielded very uncomfortable experience.
Based on the findings, I sketched out initial ideas around comfort and safety involving:
1. Stability assist
2. Wind resistant shelter
3. Dedicated container for used WAG bags
After 3 users tested both concepts, concept 2 was chosen. Despite the slightly longer use time, users preferred the following:
1. Rugged, stable seat
2. Streamline "prep-use-finish" flow
Then, I then proceeded with advanced iterations of concept 2 to fulfil these detailed requirements.
Refined Deploy-to-Use test
Refined Collect-to-Pack test
Refined modular design utilising the proprietary WAG bags and proprietary dry bag
Final design.
Final form and colour were inspired from the contemporary outdoor vehicles and gears that extend comfort in arduous natures. The prototype models, simulating injection molded and overmolded high density ethelyne, yield robust yet smooth appearance and feel. It also communicates a clear direction of the fold.
HAMT is a sustainable design that is carefully thought through and tested for the mountaineers who carry huge environmental responsibilities.
HAMT is more than a toilet. It is a new system that not only brings recurring user fulfilment, but also recurring business opportunities through its modular design.